About Us
Wall Anchors of Northern Ohio
We have been serving the Cleveland and Northeast Ohio area for over 38 years. Stabalizing 1000's of foundations. We use three types of systems depending on which problem the structure has acquired.
Our expanding population requires more and more land for housing, both primary and recreational, business and industry, roads, airports, municipal services, etc. This demand has caused, and will continue to cause, development on less-than-adequate soils. This inadequacy generally translates into the settlement and/or heave of structures built on this soil.
Techniques for repair of these structures have varied. Everything from wood, concrete, cement and steel has been poured, pushed, turned or somehow forced into the ground trying to salvage these foundations. Early on, anyone and everyone, trained or untrained, became "experts" at foundation repair. Often as not, these repairs proved to be futile.
Today, with the growing encroachment on poor soils, the piering profession is poised to have a positive impact on what could be a negative situation. Leading the way in the field of Helical Piering is Wall Anchors of Northern Ohio.
Please take some time to review our website. If you would like to contact us with a general question or to schedule an estimate, please use our online form.
Contact - Estimate Form
Contact Information
668 Northfield Rd.
Bedford, OH. 44146
(800) 736-7045
(440) 439-0617
ICC Certification